Saturday, April 23, 2011

This great Feast of Easter, which we celebrate, is the greatest feast of our Catholic faith. It outranks even Christmas, and is the centerpiece of our Christian belief. Because of it, we can rejoice in the Lord, for He has conquered sin and overcome death by His Resurrection, and has given us new hope for a new life through His actions! With it, we celebrate all those who have made their new profession of the Catholic Faith and are received into its fullness.

The special 2nd collection this Easter Sunday is set aside to help us reach our goal in the annual DSA drive. So far, we have 519 pledges and donors for the annual Diocesan Services Appeal (we trust that these pledges will be honored). But, there are many more families and individuals who claim membership in this parish, who have not yet made their commitment (and some of them have been beneficiaries of the Catholic Charities of our diocese). My hope is that each registered family will make a pledge (no matter how small or large) this year and help us toward our parish goal, as well as help the Diocese of Palm Beach sustain the beautiful network of charitable works done through this appeal.

If each registered family gave just $16, we would make our goal! Considering our spendthrift ways on so many insignificant items, a sacrifice of that amount should be possible for all of us; then we can truly appreciate what Christ’s sacrifice of the cross was for all of us. If you are a visitor to our parish (whether seasonal or otherwise), or a part-time resident, you, too, can help. Special envelopes for your pledge are always available by the doors of the church, and there are more envelopes being provided for this 2nd collection.

Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. It was a new feast created by soon-to-be Blessed Pope John Paul II a few years ago, as the high point great feast of Easter. It was through the efforts of St. Faustina Kowalska that the message of Our Lord’s Divine Mercy began to be spread around the world. Many parishes observe it in different ways, and I invite you to join in our own parish celebration of that feast, and to listen to the spiritual riches that can be drawn from this occasion.

More information about our Divine Mercy Sunday celebration is found elsewhere in the bulletin.

In Rome, appropriately on the feast day of Divine Mercy, John Paul II will be beatified, and then known as Blessed John Paul II. It will be my privilege to be there as a witness to this great event. Our friendship goes back a long way to the day in Rome when he became a Cardinal (June 29, 1967 - I was a young seminarian). I still remember so much of it, as if it happened yesterday. I treasure all those pictures and memories, some of which are still so vivid in my mind. The city and its hotels will be filled (I’m so glad I have friends there!) with many pilgrims and tourists for that occasion and at this time of year. I pray that nothing goes wrong to mar this blessed event.

This coming Saturday morning, April 30, some of our little children from our parish school and our PREP (parish religious education program) will receive their First Holy Communion. They will have the privilege of taking Jesus into their heart for the first time, and what joy should fill their hearts! Though I will be in Rome that day, their intentions certainly will be in my Mass and prayers; and I encourage their families to join them in that reception, and to keep them close to Jesus by the frequent reception of the Eucharist and required attendance at Mass each week.

I offer my thanks to Deacon Lee Levenson, and his wife, Alice, as well as our soon-to-be-deacon Rusty Skinner, and John and Sharon Lynch, and Michael and Sandra Spall for their year-long efforts with our RCIA program, and in bringing into the Catholic Church (Faith) this Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil the following adults: Linda Breslot, Gloria Obenland, and Shamus Oliver Smith (catechumens and elect); Kathryn Beggs, Gerald Campbell, Stephen Massey, Kaysie Smith (candidates) and Eva Hodgens and Chase Navellier (just confirmed). I welcome these newest members into the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and pray that their love of God will lead them to even greater service to Him and His Church. Charles Stanley Chanquian Murphy, newest member of the family of Jim and Lisa Murphy, was also baptized at the Vigil. “Kudos” are extended to Kit Johansen and Sister Maria Liber for their work in preparing our youngsters for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, along with the wonderful assistance of our several superb catechists. These wonderful volunteers faithfully teach the youngsters of our parish in the sacramental preparation program. This is an outstanding labor of love: to teach and to lead the little ones closer to Jesus. God bless them all!

Thank you to all those parishioners who made our 70th anniversary as a parish such a delightful occasion. The Knights of Columbus also celebrated the blessing of their Ten Commandments and Eight Beatitudes monument at the end of the Mass. Our cantors and choir provided splendid music for the occasion, and, considering it was “Passiontide,” the program was not overdone (but the food at the reception was great!). Thank you all for a memorable celebration!

Thank you for your kindness and patience in moving about the parking lot on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Your cooperation with the police and the staff is greatly appreciated to alleviate some of the jam-up problems that can occur on these occasions. May you, our parish family members and our visitors, enjoy a happy and blessed Easter!!

Very Rev. Canon Tom