Friday, March 4, 2011

THANK YOU to all who have volunteered to make this year’s 44th Annual Parish Festival a great success. THANK YOU, too, to all who have supported the festival with donations and purchases of the various raffle tickets. Above all, THANK YOU to the men and women who have underwritten the costs of putting on this gala that helps support our parish school in a big way! Not only have all of you earned the gratitude of our school children, but also those families who want to be able to afford to send their children to our Class A school!

We begin the holy season of Lent this (Ash) Wednesday with the celebration of Holy Mass and the distribution of ash at all the weekday Masses: 7:00, 8:30 A.M., and 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Fasting, almsgiving and prayer are the three primary disciplines of Lent. The faithful as well as catechumens should undertake these practices seriously, in a spirit of penance and preparation for baptism, or as a renewal of Baptism at Easter. This Wednesday (as well as Good Friday) is a day of fast and abstinence. Fasting is to be observed by all who have reached their 18th birthday, through age 59. On a fast day, only ONE full meal is allowed. Two other smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on Fast days, but liquids, including milk and juices, are permitted. Days of abstinence (Ash Wednesday and ALL Fridays of Lent) are observed by all who have reached their 14th birthday.

On days of abstinence, NO MEAT and meat products (e.g., gravies from meat) are allowed. If you have any doubts about these requirements, you may consult your parish priest. During Lent, our Stations of the Cross devotion will be conducted weekly on Friday afternoons at 4:30, prior to the 5:00 P.M. Mass. By the time we begin making this journey, we should see the newly renovated Stations of the Cross in our church, thanks in large part to Joseph Hughes. Like so many good stewards, he has volunteered his time, talent and treasure to help our parish.

An important liturgical workshop for Lay Ministry Leaders and all interested Faithful on the upcoming Revised Roman Missal (which goes into effect the First Sunday of Advent, 2011), will be conducted at our parish on Tuesday, March 29th, at 7:00 P.M. I strongly urge all of our Deacons, leaders of music, cantors, Youth director and parish musicians to attend this vital and informative workshop to learn about the new changes that will take place in the liturgy, so that you will be able to assist in the transition of the liturgy in our parish.

Catholic Days at the Capitol will be held from March 15th to 17th in Tallahassee. You are cordially invited to join me and Catholics from all 7 dioceses of the State of Florida at this annual gathering, to meet with our legislators to promote legislation that supports the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. The highlight of the occasion will be the annual “Red Mass,” celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami (who will also be the homilist), and concelebrated by all the bishops of Florida. The cost of the package is $170 per person, including all bus transportation, box lunch, hotel (double occupancy) breakfast, FCC Registration and the Legislator Luncheon. For reservations or more information, you may contact Betty McKinley, Catholic Days coordinator for the Diocese of Palm Beach, at 561-775-9598, or 772-342-0837,

Thank you to all who have answered Bishop Barbarito’s appeal to help the very needy of our diocese through their pledge to the annual DSA (Diocesan Services Appeal). I appreciate your help in trying to achieve our goal of $200,000 this year. If you have forgotten to make your pledge, more envelopes are available by asking one of our ushers to provide you with one. God bless those families who are inviting their children to take their part in this appeal. You are teaching the next generation of our Church to be good stewards of their many blessings.

As we compile the latest figures, we will list the names of the people who have made their pledge to the DSA, and pray that those who have not yet responded to this call to assist the mission of our diocese to do so as quickly as possible. Even if you are a seasonal guest to our parish, we invite you to participate in this huge undertaking. We are here to assist you while you are among us, and hope that you will assist us in reaching out to others!

Very Rev. Canon Tom