Monday, February 21, 2011

I thank the many parishioners and guests who made their pledge last week to our Bishop’s annual Diocesan Services Appeal, and pray that all who made their pledge will honor it. This is our way of saying, “Thank You, God, for all the blessings bestowed upon us in our lifetime.” This is our way of saying we will share our goods with those who have less, even when (and especially when) it means we have to make some sacrifice in order to show that we are only stewards of the gifts and other blessings given us by God.

As I mentioned in previous bulletins and even from the pulpit, we fell short of our goal last year and had to make up the difference of $38,000, from the Operational Funds that come through our weekly Sunday Collection. Maybe this year’s appeal will be received in a way that will show we truly appreciate God’s

gifts. Our goal this year is $200,000, and if each family could set aside a sacrificial gift of just $1 a day (or even 50 cents per day), we will make that goal, and even exceed it!

What is sometimes the most difficult task for a priest is asking for money, especially when the economy is at a low. I am so grateful to our priests who took the time to work the appeal into their homily. I am especially grateful to our Seminary Scripture scholar and weekend assistant, Msgr. Bosso, who gave a brief but excellent homily last weekend that made a great segway into the need to live the Beatitudes.

Someone apparently wasn’t listening, because they passed an (anonymous) note about Vatican II and preaching on the Gospel message.They obviously didn’t get the message (nor did they properly read all about what the Documents on the Liturgy say about the homily). So, Msgr. Bosso did with that note what I would do in similar circumstances.

A special “thank you” to the initial donors of our Ferrer Fund, who are helping us to meet the rising costs of providing a solid Catholic education for our students in our parish school. So far, the fund has reached over $50,000 in gifts and pledges! God bless you! Now we’re entering the last stages of preparations for our 44th Annual Parish Festival.

It’s a superb way of enjoying a weekend of food, fun, and festivities, while earning money for the upkeep of our school. Your purchase of the raffle tickets (either for the large $25,000 raffle or the $1 raffle for a series of fine prizes), and your volunteering to serve during the festival hopefully will enable us to raise enough funds to keep our school tuition level for another year. Unfortunately, we don’t receive financial aid from the state, so we count on your support of fund-raising endeavors to make it!

St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach will host its annual Friends of the Seminary Gala this coming Friday, February 25th, beginning with Vespers at 7:00 PM. A reception, silent auction and dinner will follow. This is the major fund-raiser for our seminary each year, and it helps to sustain the seminary in its programs preparing men for the priesthood and permanent diaconate, as well as other men and women to take their places of teaching and leadership in the Catholic Church. To make reservations for this enjoyable evening, call the Seminary @ 732-4424, or purchase tickets online @

Pope John Paul II High School is hosting its annual fund-raising event, this coming Saturday, February 26th. The theme is “An Evening in Tuscany,” and it features a dinner and auction. It begins at 6:30 PM, and will be held at the high school. You will enjoy a delightful evening while helping many young men and women in a Catholic setting to prepare for the future. For tickets and more information, call Jose Herrera (’01) @ 314-2133, or

We give a special “thank you” to our Parish Manager, John Krolikowski, and his team of helpers, who made the St. Valentine’s Day Reception for our Snowbirds last Sunday such a wonderful opportunity of getting to know one another. I’m glad that so many of our seasonal visitors decided to come and enjoy the occasion, and to learn a little bit more about our parish.

Just as Congress is beginning to consider several pieces of legislation that (taken together) would end taxpayer subsidization of abortion, there is yet another undercover video showing us the real face of Planned Parenthood. The first bombshell video that surfaced over a week ago showed a Planned Parenthood worker helping an alleged pimp and underage prostitute find out how to get access to taxpayer funded abortions and other services. In the latest video, a Planned Parenthood worker offers help on how to get Medicaid-covered insurance for underage prostitutes, and any abortions or other services, (whether or not they are US citizens).

For years, pro-life Americans have been forced to watch as their tax-dollars subsidize the barbaric practice of abortion. Whether at government healthcare facilities, in federal health programs, or even direct funding for the abortion industry, our values have been under attack. But conservative members of Congress are introducing new legislation to put an end to this tragedy and end ALL federal taxpayer funding of abortion - and they need your support!

The three new bills are the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act", the "Protect Life Act" and the "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act." Watch for or download information on these upcoming acts of Congress.

Very Rev. Canon Tom